What does true love look like? That’s what border guards in Denmark have been trying to figure out since the Danish government began requiring them to decide if couples are enough in love to be allowed to cross the border to see each other during the Covid pandemic. The policy stipulates that if… Continue reading What Does True Love Look Like?
Live and Learn
Who Will They Cancel Next?
I recently saw a picture that captured so well at least one slice of the crazy pie being served up to us these days. The graphic showed Mr. Potato Head looking side-eyed at a Mr. Coffee coffeemaker and saying, “You’re next.” As you’ve probably heard, Mr. Potato Head, the classic children’s toy, is… Continue reading Who Will They Cancel Next?
You Have God’s Attention
Okay, class, it’s time for a quiz. Here’s the only question: How should we react to the truth that God sees everything we do? Should we feel: a) fear; b) guilt; c) disbelief; or d) comfort? (Cue “Jeopardy” theme song.) Well, the correct answer is d) comfort, but if we’re honest, most of… Continue reading You Have God’s Attention
There’s Plenty of Room at God’s Table
Before a gazillion channels were available on T.V. and streaming services like Netflix had yet to be hatched in the golden nest of Silicon Valley, my husband and I used to watch a lot of old classic movies about World War II on TV. The ones about the war in the Pacific always… Continue reading There’s Plenty of Room at God’s Table
What am I Unleashing on My World?
Now it’s personal. Covid-19, the invisible tyrant that has declared itself emperor of the world this past year, audaciously marched right into our house, put its feet up, and proceeded to boss me and my husband around for nearly a month. I know God promises in Romans 8:28 to work all things together… Continue reading What am I Unleashing on My World?
God is Still Bigger Than The Boogeyman
Covid-19 recently visited our house and I should’ve checked its pockets before it left. Apparently it took a lot of my brain cells with it. My every attempt at creativity has proven futile. “Why don’t you just use an old column?” my husband suggested. “Because that feels like cheating,” I replied. But as… Continue reading God is Still Bigger Than The Boogeyman
Believing is Seeing
Who would have thought a microscopic thing could impact the world in such a huge way? The headline-grabbing havoc wreaked by Covid-19 is obvious, but this invisible invader has also quietly spawned all kinds of strange new obsessions. Will we ever again stroll down the toilet paper aisle at the store without grabbing… Continue reading Believing is Seeing
Christmas is Simply Amazing
The other day I began wondering if, in spite of many time-saving innovations, the lives of women today might actually be as complicated as the lives of women a century ago. For answers, I naturally turned to Google, the online rabbit hole for people like me who were born with too many curiosity… Continue reading Christmas is Simply Amazing
Wisely Handle Freedom…Or Lose It
My bookshelves aren’t filled with books by Nobel prizewinners, but I did recently come upon a quote by one that caught my attention: “To know how to free oneself is nothing; the arduous thing is to know what to do with one’s freedom” (André Gide). Gide’s statement initially struck me because it’s so… Continue reading Wisely Handle Freedom…Or Lose It
How Do We Smell?
I was recently reading an article about how our sense of smell is strongly intertwined with our memories and emotions. This isn’t big news to most of us and it’s the reason I’ve consistently worn the same perfume for years. I want the people in my life to remember me every time they… Continue reading How Do We Smell?