Shortly after the murder of George Floyd and in the thick of the ensuing chaos, I awoke one morning with part of a Bible verse playing on a loop in my mind: “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). I sure don’t wake up every day… Continue reading God’s Light is Still On
Category: Uncategorized
Good Advice From an Unlikely Source
I asked a lady with wild purple hair and gobs of bright red eye makeup to help me choose new glasses frames. Based on her appearance, I thought she’d steer me toward bedazzled specs from the Elton John Collection, but she didn’t. In fact, she actually gave me some solid guidance. I probably wouldn’t… Continue reading Good Advice From an Unlikely Source
We’re a Puzzle God Can Solve
What have you learned during these weird weeks of the Coronapocalypse? Here are a few things on my list: 1.) wearing uncomfortable clothing makes absolutely NO sense, so pajamas should henceforth be deemed acceptable attire for all occasions; 2.) ordering me to stay at home is like ordering a fish to stay in… Continue reading We’re a Puzzle God Can Solve
Learning to be Still and Chill
Before I started factoring “how much energy is this going to take?” into the equation, I used to be pretty compulsive about not wanting to miss any good or fun thing life had to offer. I hated feeling like everyone else was “out there” having fun or doing something important, and I wasn’t. … Continue reading Learning to be Still and Chill
Time to Whack Some Moles
I feel like my life has become a very long game of Whack-A-Mole. Whack-A-Mole, if you don’t know, is a carnival game requiring the player to stand, holding a rubber mallet, before a board with holes in it. Fake moles (the animal kind, not the skin kind) pop out of the holes and… Continue reading Time to Whack Some Moles
God Sees Our True Colors
We’ve all experienced some rips and snags in the fabric of our lives these past few weeks, but a potential one has, I confess, filled me with a just a tiny bit of mean-girl satisfaction. Since it’s not a matter of life and death, maybe it’s okay to be just a little happy… Continue reading God Sees Our True Colors
The Squeeze Is On
Just when enough time had passed for us to forget the disturbing images of Black Friday shoppers acting like demon-possessed barbarians, the panicky villagers are storming the gates of stores again with their torches and pitchforks to hoard toilet paper because of the Coronavirus scare. There’s nothing like a good ’ole crisis to… Continue reading The Squeeze Is On
Lose The Elevator Shoes
I live amongst trees. The plant kind and the human kind. And both kinds make me feel small, but in a good way. For the record, I’m definitely not a small human. If you want to know how much I weigh, well, that just ain’t happening, but I’ll freely reveal my height. Nobody… Continue reading Lose The Elevator Shoes
God’s Not Like the Weather
If Mother Nature were a real person, she would most certainly be diagnosed with multiple personality disorder based on her behavior during the month of February in South Carolina. Tornadic thunderstorms, torrential rain, flooding, and snow, all in the span of 48 hours? That’s just crazy. A few years ago we even experienced… Continue reading God’s Not Like the Weather
God Knows What Time It Is
I believe I’ve mentioned before how my brain tends to run about four months behind the actual calendar, which is why it feels like it should be November, not February. But that’s not the only internal clock in my head that appears to be off kilter. My internal age counter is even more inaccurate,… Continue reading God Knows What Time It Is