Build Well for Life’s Storms

            Peg Leg Pete’s is still standing. It’s been blown and battered, but it’s there. Two sizable hurricanes in less than a year reduced Pensacola Beach to a giant sandpile littered with a million broken toys. A piece of a wall here, a roof there, piles of lumber and insulation everywhere.            But Peg Leg… Continue reading Build Well for Life’s Storms

Jesus and Vaporub: Two Remedies that Work

           Here’s a question I bet you’ve never thought about: What do Vick’s Vaporub and the incarnation of Jesus Christ have in common? Stay tuned …            Several years ago, I offhandedly commented to a few friends that my husband really likes the smell of Vick’s Vaporub (you know, the gooey menthol stuff mothers love… Continue reading Jesus and Vaporub: Two Remedies that Work

Are You Still Thankful?

           The holiday we call Thanksgiving is over. The gobbler has finally been gobbled, the pumpkin pie has been woefully reincarnated as cellulite, the relatives have traveled back home (and all God’s children said, “Amen!”), and we’re now in the thick of the economy-stimulating frenzy that has become the Christmas season.            But before we… Continue reading Are You Still Thankful?

Watch Out for the Squnks

           I heard recently about a golf course in Myrtle Beach that is being terrorized by “squnks.” The critters are actually squirrels, as large as skunks (hence, the name), that sit on golf balls, lounge on the greens and relentlessly pester golfers who invade their turf.            The friend who told me about the squnks… Continue reading Watch Out for the Squnks

Lessons from Emily Latella

           I was passing through the living room the other day and caught – or thought I caught — a portion of a news story on T.V. about a radio talk show host who was fired because he called his mother a “terrorist organization” on the air. I found it disturbing.            I thought… Continue reading Lessons from Emily Latella

Beware the Septic Tank Trucks

          I was recently driving around town and found myself stuck behind a slow-moving, old septic tank service truck. Remember Fred Sanford’s junk truck on the old T.V. show? If so, you have a pretty good mental picture of the vehicle I was following – basically a pile of rust on wheels.            I’m thankful… Continue reading Beware the Septic Tank Trucks

What’s in a name? Plenty!

           Success gurus tell us that remembering and repeating people’s names is a key to making good impressions and thereby climbing the ladder of success in life and business. They say that we all love to hear our names spoken – it’s like a balm for our battered, needy egos.            Well, I’m sorry not… Continue reading What’s in a name? Plenty!