I heard recently about a golf course in Myrtle Beach that is being terrorized by “squnks.” The critters are actually squirrels, as large as skunks (hence, the name), that sit on golf balls, lounge on the greens and relentlessly pester golfers who invade their turf.
The friend who told me about the squnks said a co-worker visited the course recently. When this guy and his golf buddy checked in at the pro shop, they noticed a huge bowl filled with Cheese Nips sitting on the counter, which seemed a wee bit strange.
When they went to get their golf cart, the starter guy said, “Want some Cheese Nips?” and offered them a bag of the crackers. They took it, becoming increasingly perplexed about why Cheese Nips were so bizarrely and randomly popular at this place.
Once they got on the course, it all began to make sense, as they came face to face with the squnks and saw other golfers coaxing the pesky critters away from their golf balls with the cheesy crackers.
It’s bad enough that you have to tip all the eager human beavers who work on fancy golf courses – the guy who magically appears to take your bag out of your car, the guy who wipes off your clubs when you get done, the guy who follows you out to your car to place your bag back in the trunk. Now must we also bribe the wildlife?
This story makes me want to go to the beach and see the wily squnks for myself. There’s something entertaining about the idea of these golfers, many of whom are probably corporate executives and high-powered professionals, being so adeptly manipulated by a bunch of supersized squirrels.
But it’s kind of disturbing, too. After all, aren’t we humans supposed to have the upper hand? Aren’t we the ones with the big brains and opposing thumbs? Aren’t we supposed to be in control?
If we’ve learned anything from the recent devastation caused by Mother Nature gone beserk – hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, tornadoes, wildfires and floods – it should be this: We are not in control. God is, and no matter how competent and cocky we feel, we are utterly dependent upon His mercy.
If you’re His child, that’s a good place to be in this world. Whatever comes my way, I know that it has passed through the nail-scarred, loving hands of Jesus Christ and will ultimately be used for my highest good and His greatest glory. It may not always be fun, but it will always be redeemed. God may not always keep me from hard things, but He’ll always keep me through them – even if “through” means I join Him in heaven a bit sooner than I’d planned.
For those who have rejected a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and are living under the delusion that they are in control, well, that’s a scary place to be in this world. Better keep your insurance premiums paid, your doors locked, your security system turned on … and your Cheese Nips handy.
There’s a battle raging out there in this fallen world and the squnks are winning.
Psalm 89:11, 14 –The heavens are Yours, and Yours also the earth; You founded the world and all that is in it. …Your arm is endued with power; Your hand is strong, Your right hand exalted. … … Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your presence, O LORD.