We humans are always tinkering, always trying to make things bigger, better, faster.
But if you ask me, some things just shouldn’t be messed with.
I discovered recently that the rules of church league softball have been hideously altered and all I can say is, “Man has gone too far.”
I am a huge sports fan and played church softball for years, so I know the deal: four balls and you get a free trip to first base; three strikes and you’re out. A rule as unalterable and American as the Bill of Rights, right?
Nope. Not anymore.
I recently took myself out to the ballpark to root for our church men’s softball team in their league tournament. After watching several batters, I found myself thoroughly baffled by the umpire who was calling balls and strikes. After one pitch, he barked, “2-1!” (as in two balls and one strike).
I thought, “Hmmm, that’s weird. I could swear there’s only been one pitch. Guess I must have had a brain burp there for a second.”
Then it happened again. One pitch and the count was suddenly one ball and two strikes.
“Whaaaaaaat is going on here?” I said to the lady next to me. I may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but I KNEW three pitches had not been thrown.
I was about ready to book myself a room in the Alzheimer’s unit when some fellow fans explained that in order to make the games go faster, batters now arrive at the plate with an automatic count of one ball and one strike.
What is the world coming to?
If they really want to speed up the games, why don’t they just flip a coin or do the old “rock, paper, scissors” thing to decide who wins?
As if these new rules aren’t bad enough, here’s another twist that’s been added: a team is only allowed four over-the-fence homeruns per game. Any more than four and homeruns are charged as outs.
What is up with that? A guy is rewarded for his hitting prowess by getting called out? How is that American? When did softball become “commie-ball,” where individual achievement is punished to level the playing field?
My husband noted that this rule reminds him of our tax codes. In general, the more you earn, the more you’re penalized. Hit a financial homerun and you’re called out. Can anyone say, “Obamaball”?
This softball travesty rankles me. Okay, change the rules for Olympic curling or rhythmic gymnastics, but don’t go wrinkling up the fabric of American life by messing with church softball.
We need a little order and stability in our universe.
Thankfully, softball rules and tax laws notwithstanding, we have it.
While man can discover, tweak, shape, and bend certain tiny pieces of creation, there are many important parts we can’t control or affect. And I, for one, am glad.
Try though we might, for example, God will always be God and we will never change His character, principles, plans and promises.
We may try to make Him into something He’s not – usually a mushy, spineless Santa Clause or a cruel, heartless tyrant — but He says, “For I, the LORD, do not change…” (Malachi 3:6a)
He is who He says He is, all the time.
I am really thankful for that. Thankful that when I wake up tomorrow, God will be the same as He is today. No bad moods, no whims.
Forever, His love will endure, His power will prevail, and His grace will be extended to us in these familiar, unchanging words: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16