A Diamond or a Truck?

 After he regained consciousness, I’m pretty sure we’d be on our way lickety-split to a hardware store, truck dealership, or farm equipment place.

    While that scene is unlikely to ever actually happen, I have, in the past, offhandedly mentioned that perhaps a new computer, or an IPOD, or a high-def T.V. might be nice. Whew buddy, I’ll tell you what, my husband was all over those barely whispered hints like white on rice.

      On the other hand, requests for new furniture, carpet or wallpaper generally fall on slightly … um … shall we say, less eager ears.

    “What’s wrong with our furniture? I don’t see springs sticking out anywhere and a little duct tape will keep that stuffing from coming out.”

    “New wallpaper? Our walls have paper on them? I never noticed. If I didn’t notice, I’ll bet no one else does, either.”

    “New carpet? We don’t need new carpet. Some of this carpet still looks as good as new. Move that couch and I’ll show you. Bet we can get another 20 years out of this if we just rearrange the furniture.”

    So, you see, when the first step toward marital bliss involves spending money on something as hugely impractical as a diamond ring, it’s more than some guys can handle. And yes, more men might head for the altar if women would opt instead for engagement trucks, engagement bass boats, or engagement big-screen T.V.s.

    Might be something to think about, all you single gals out there.

    Or not.

    The truth is, we all want to be loved extravagantly. We want to know we’re worth a gift that comes wrapped in sacrificial, unselfish love.

    Great love is worthy of grand, extravagant expressions.

    God knows all about that. After all, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son …” (John 3:16)

    Go ahead — insert your name in there where it says “the world.” God gave His Son for you.       

    Extravagant. Unselfish. Unspeakably painful.

    How can you respond to so great a gift, so great a love?

    With grand gestures of thankfulness.

    The Gospel of Mark records an incident (in chapter 14) about a woman who showed up at a dinner party and anointed the head of Jesus with an incredibly expensive jar of perfume. Rebuked by some bystanders for her “wastefulness,” Jesus defended her, saying her extravagant expression of devotion would be told throughout the world. And so it was.

    We should respond to God’s love for us by giving Him that which most delights His heart — our hearts, our lives, our obedience and affection.

    If He said He simply wanted us to go to church on Christmas and Easter and toss a few bucks in the offering plate, would we hesitate?

    Probably not. That’s easy.

    But if He’s worthy at all, He’s worthy of all.

“What shall I render to the LORD for all His benefits toward me? I shall lift up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the LORD.”– Psalm 116:12-13