But WAIT — There’s MORE!

We’re now receiving a satellite T.V. network called The Tennis Channel, which is wonderfully entertaining for tennis crazies like me. But I’ve discovered that the dark side of these small, specialized satellite networks is that they air lots of cheesy commercials that border on torturous.

            So, mixed in with great tennis action, I’m forced to watch ads for things like the “PedEgg,” an egg-shaped gizmo that shaves rough skin off your feet. The commercial shows lots of happy people scraping layers of their feet away, like a woodworker planing a board. Yuck.

The parade of tacky ads marches relentlessly on, peddling things like the Push-Up Pro, guaranteed to chisel us all into glistening Greek gods and goddesses, the Vidalia Slice Wizard that keeps us from amputating our digits when we chop our veggies; and the indestructible Infinity Razor – “the last razor you’ll ever need to buy” (so why do they send you two?).

            Lots of these commercials feature Billy Mays, the 21st century’s most visible snake oil salesman. Billy talks REALLY fast and loud as he passionately tries to convince us we can’t live another day without Zorbeez water-sucking cloths, Samurai Shark knife sharpeners and Hercules Hooks.

Nearly always, as Billy gets near the end of his spiel, he cranks up the volume a notch and adds, “But WAIT – there’s MORE!”

More? What more could I possibly want than an egg that shaves the flesh off my feet or skinny little hooks I can use to hang my piano from the wall?

But WAIT…there’s always MORE! Now, for a limited time, we can get not one, but TWO flesh-scraping eggs, two indestructible razors, two of everything!!! I can scarcely resist the urge to leap from my recliner, grab my Discover Card and make that call.

Can I confess something? I’ve been in Christian gatherings and watched religious T.V. programs that make me feel almost the same way I feel when I watch these tacky commercials. Dress Billy in a suit, fluff up his hair a bit, and crank up the organ music and he might try to sell Jesus the same way he peddles Hercules Hooks.

Others do, promising things Jesus never promised (like guaranteed health and wealth), or occasionally taking the opposite approach as they try to emotionally railroad people into the kingdom of God on the Guilt & Shame Express.

People may “buy” Jesus under that kind of pressure, but too often, their faith is shallow and disappears when the “new” wears off. Jesus never sold Himself when He walked the earth. He didn’t need gimmicks or deals. He had truth and the supernatural power and love of God. Jesus didn’t need to sell, defend or convince. He simply spoke truth, did undeniable miracles and loved people.

There’s a message here for Christians: Lose the hype and do what Jesus did – simply love God and others passionately and selflessly.

And there’s a message here for those who’ve rejected the Jesus they’ve been presented: Forgive the hype and seek the real Jesus.

Having a dynamic, personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ is what we were created for and is as good as it gets in this life. But WAIT … there’s MORE! Really, there is.

Jesus also promises eternal life to all who believe and embrace Him. Call out to Him now – it truly is the one deal too good to pass up.

 “ …Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” — Romans 10:13