God Always Shows Up

           I recently read a story about a little boy who was trying in vain to reach a doorbell on a house. A kind pastor happened to be strolling by and saw the little boy’s predicament, so he walked over, reached over the boy’s shoulder and gave the doorbell a solid ring. “And now what, my little man?” the pastor asked. “Now we RUN!” the boy yelled as he took off down the street.

           The story reminded me of all the times my childhood buddies and I pulled that same sorry stunt in our neighborhood. We found it quite entertaining to sneak up to neighbors’ front doors, ring their doorbells, run, hide and watch these visibly frustrated people try to figure out what was going on.

When left unsupervised with a telephone, in those days before caller I.D., we sometimes randomly dialed numbers and hung up as soon as someone answered. Or worse, occasionally we stayed on the line and asked, “Is your refrigerator running?” When the person invariably answered, “Yes, why?,” we’d come back with, “Well, you better go catch it!”

           Cheap, annoying and inexcusable entertainment for mischievous and bored suburban urchins in the 1960s.

           Now I recall those pranks with well-deserved shame. I know how it feels to go to the front door and find no one there – maybe not literally, because the kids in my neighborhood are nicer than I was — but certainly metaphorically. There are times now in my spiritual life when I am looking for God to be at the front door and when I go to find Him, He doesn’t seem to be there.

I was recently dealing with a very frustrating illness and I was having a tough time all the way around – physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I begged God to show up in a BIG way so that I could get on with life.

           I continued to do what I knew to do – to pray, read the Bible, and worship Him — because no matter how I feel, God is God and worthy of my devotion. But I really wanted to feel like the God of the universe was still also my tender Heavenly Father. And in my mind, that meant one thing – I wanted Him to heal me … and quickly.

           As time crept by, my health was steadily deteriorating. That’s a bad place to be. And for weeks, the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. That’s a REALLY bad place to be. As my body went downhill, so did my attitude. I felt like God had taken His phone off the hook.

           Then one morning, my “aha” moment arrived. I looked around at the flowers and cards I’d received; I remembered all the phone calls, prayers and visits from concerned friends. And I finally recognized the heart of God aching to be seen in all those expressions of love and concern.

           I wanted God to burst in through the front door, zapping my ailing body and making me instantly well. Instead, He quietly came in through the back door, pouring His love all over me through His people … and I almost missed Him. I accused Him of not showing up when, in fact, He was very present.

How about you? Are you staring at the front door and wondering when God is going to arrive on the scene? I’ve got news for you – He already has. He’s there. Look around, open your eyes, open your heart, and be blessed.