Living Out of the Zone

           We sometimes hear athletes talk about being “in the zone.” It’s a magical place where body and mind click on all cylinders, potential and performance finally meet.

           I have been “in the zone” a precious few times in my life – perhaps a couple of times playing high school basketball when it felt like everything I threw at the basket somehow dropped in, and a few times on the tennis court, when an unusual number of my shots scorched the lines.

           I used to wonder why I couldn’t stay “in the zone” – if I could do it once, why couldn’t I make it happen all the time? If I could have done that, I would now be harvesting the rich financial fruits of a stellar career as a pro tennis player. But I couldn’t, so I’m not.

           With my athletic endeavors largely limited now to fitness workouts and an occasional round of recreational golf, I find myself more interested in trying to find “the zone” in the arenas of life that really matter …

I wish I could always live “in the zone” in my relationships. I’d love to always do the big and small things that make folks feel loved, and never again say anything that discourages or diminishes anyone in my life.

           I wish I could always live “in the zone” as I do the things God has called me to do. I’d love to flawlessly write and speak powerful messages straight from the heart of God, to prepare consistently fantastic meals for my family as we joyfully dwell in a perfectly managed, always-spotless home, and to be a constant fountain of encouragement and inspiration for everyone who crosses my path.

           I wish I could always live “in the zone” of a perfectly balanced life – not too busy, not too idle. I’d love for my life to never again swing from one extreme to the other – from seasons when I’m swept down raging rapids of deadlines, events and commitments to stretches when it seems I’m stuck in a pool so stagnant and still that I have to paddle with all my might to retain some sense of purpose.

           I wish I could always live “in the zone” in my walk with God. I’d love to always trust, always believe, always obey, and never doubt His heart when I don’t understand His hand.

We may not experience many days when we feel “in the zone” — when every area of our lives is flowing powerfully and effortlessly. But we can take heart in the knowledge that God doesn’t require us to live perfectly, but to simply walk with Him one step at a time.

           I was watching a T.V. drama recently and a very noble and simple man summed it up beautifully: “My mama always told me to do the best you can do today and see what comes tomorrow … and just keep on doin’ that.”

           At the end of each day, perhaps we shouldn’t ask, “What great things did I accomplish today?” but rather, “Did I give God everything He asked of me – my devotion, time, and obedience? Did I give Him my best?”

Maybe living “in the zone” isn’t so much about perfect performance as it is about humble obedience and sincere love, offered up one day at a time. It’s in that zone that we’re most apt to sense the smile of God … and that’s worth more than any trophies this world can give.